Website A/B Testing has been coming soon for 18m - 2y

Andy Hewerdine

Please define "coming soon" . Are we getting A/B Testing? It was shown as "coming soon" at least 18 months ago. Still not in place. Still no tracking system in place. Site Kit is broken too.


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Andy Hewerdine


This is as simple as link redirects. We aren't asking for anything more advanced than A/B testing. The ability to send traffic to 1 link and then split the traffic by % to other URLs. We can do this after form submissions, and we can use external services, but why something would say coming soon for 2 years is a little silly.


Sean Murphy

Seems they are coming out with new products (CloseGPT) but not fixing or making good on the promised updates for the existing (FlowTrack)?? Not sure why a company would release something new and expect me to upgrade or sign up for it when they haven't made good on the existing promises and product updates for FlowTrack. You can't get this product right or communicate with clients, why would I trust you and pay for another product that you will probably just ditch for a new trend... like what appears to be happening with FlowTrack?

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