Feature request -add Gantt chart

Mike Menges

Hello - I ask you to consider adding Gantt chart capabilities to your software offering. We would like to have the ability to create multiple gantt charts to track projects individually. We also ask that each user have the ability to share the respective Gantt chart with other parties that are involved in their respective project. While the user will create multiple Gantt charts at one time as they manage several overlapping projects. The main user who creates the multiple Gantt charts would then need permission or ability to share certain charts with other individuals. Thank you for the consideration.


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Andy Hewerdine

This really falls under a complete reporting suite.

The ability to produce reports based off different variables would be fantastic, either through the Flow Builder, or through a new reporting interface.

Personally, I'd like to be able to do it through flows, to generate a report off different variables of my choice as the data is already being stored in the platform in some way.