Enable Blogging on Website

Marty Greene

Please enable blogging on the websites I create.


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Romy Santos

2.5yrs ago this suggestion was added, 2yrs ago mike changed this to in progress. now it has 100 upvotes. come on FT get it together, put down closegpt and release this already

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Kevin Spellacy

Considering Ghost as we speak. Would like it all in one place.

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Adrian Castro

Why recreate wordpress? Most people will probably have an existing wordpress blog and migration will most likely be a pain in the behind. Not to mention that if their current blog is already ranking in Google, recreating the exact URL paths will be a nightmare.

The fastest way is to create tighter integration with wordpress and the CRM - conversation flow. Here is one example --- If someone creates a comment on the WP blog - create a contact on the CRM, and up the workflow/priority for staff to review/approve/comment back. Some of the desired functionality is provided in Zapier but that is hardly enough because there is no workflow.

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Ashish Chowdhury

For any business blogging is very important for building audience, though WP offers the best blogging platform, an integrated blogging on FlowTrack website will remove the WP complexities for non-techie users.


Brendon G

I know that might sound blasphemous, but hear me out. Just have a custom structure/object ability for the web builder with the first one "built in" being a blog / page structure. (title, body, standard meta field, tags etc the usual suspects ).

Now you have all the power in the world.
Want it to be products, recipes, dogs, menu items? easy!

Add a way drag and drop way to query records with some filters,
Now you can configure the loop with the fields.

You now have a component which is the basis of a super power of superpowers ( think logged in members with access to system like objects ). Given most things are available in the API as well... kind of powerful.

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Awesome! Cheers to the Great FlowTrack Team! 🥳👏


FlowTrack Mike

Status changed to: In progress