Edit: FIXED Email Issues - No Emails Sending From Platform

Andy Hewerdine

This has now been going on for a few days. Emails cannot be sent, 3rd party SMTP's do work.


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Sean Murphy

It's been almost 2 months for me... they said they were fixing it and then stopped all communication and disappeared and email has been down ever since. All SMTPs no longer work either

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Andy Hewerdine



Sean Murphy

Yes, this is my constant fear... as I still have a client site on FT, and every day it is stressful, thinking about the hosting going down and leaving my last remaining FT client with lights out. And FT continues to charge monthly like clockwork as if it's business as usual and all services are a go... it's crazy. I have clients on HL and would move the site there, but the HL web builder is just not there yet, and I'm not sure if it will be anytime soon...

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Andy Hewerdine
