Custom/Manual Payment (COD) option on the purchase form in FT Form Builder


FT form builder used to previously allow to submit a purchase form without payment gateway integration (manual payment) if you turn the credit card info collection off from the purchase form setting. Then I don't know what happened, the form started showing errors, asking for credit card or payment integration (see the attached).

I think most of us will agree that - it is of utmost importance to have a COD or Manual Payment option integrated in the purchase form section. I have seen very small to bigger platforms all having this basic feature! There is a very large client base who process payments manually or through platforms not available in FT, while selling their services online or taking pre-orders. Please upvote and process this as soon as possible!


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Andy Hewerdine

+1. Never knew you used to be able to do this.

A workaround might be to create a workflow to order a product using a free card.

Form (email) > Workflow > order product.



Form submission/checkout error emerged after the update which happened after the launch of CGPT, as far as I remember. Before that it worked just fine! Many of the clients need it to be direct purchase form with manual payment or cash on delivery (COD), while keeping the stats in Orders tab and database.

Most of the platforms (form builders and CRMs) implement this prior to even allowing payment method integration! The coupon system in FT is also a huge bug, which could have been one of the way around for direct checkout.