New Website Designer

  • Live

FlowTrack Mike

We have an obsession with speed. Speed to design your site and the speed of your site.

Now with 30 all new Elements in the website builder you can crank out stunning websites for you and your customers.

Amazing new features;
- Responsive everything by default
- Animations and 3D transformations
- Automatically scaled images for different devices
- And much more


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FlowTrack Mike

Status changed to: Live


Collin Jewett

Struggling right now to add paypal checkout options for different products to a page.
Currently, I have created separate paypal buttons for the different subscriptions I offer and I've tried to add them to a page using the custom code block element.
It sort of works, but only with one code block on a page at a time. If I try to add both of the buttons to one page, it breaks.
This will be one of the most critical components of my site to be able to sell anything, so hopefully the new builder makes this easier.


Collin Jewett

Thank goodness. Current builder is not great.


FlowTrack Mike

Status changed to: In progress